Spooky haunted-looking house in a forest at night. Lightning strikes over the house.

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You can make an even bigger difference when you put the word out to friends and family!

Need help? Here's a step-by-step guide.

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Add Some Meaning to Your Halloweening™

What your collected funds can do...

A child wearing earmuffs and a coat, sits at a school desk writing


Could provide a school-in-a-box to help 40 students keep learning through crisis

A thin child sucks on the corner of a soft food pack


Could deliver 2 months of therapeutic food to 10 children to help them recover from severe acute malnutrition

A young child missing many teeth peeks out of the flaps of a tent, smiling and laughing


Could purchase a high-performance emergency tent, built to withstand snow and high winds

Two girls wearing blue UNICEF backpacks stand in front of a UNICEF tent.

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Feeling the urge to change the world right now?

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For questions, please email hello@unicefusa.org